28 Mar
Day 4: The Sequel (aka Day 5)
Today is weigh in day and I’ve lost 1 pound, whcih is the lowest loss I’ve had for a while. It was to be expected though after the chinese takeaway we had on Saturday. I’ve now lost 2 stone 3 lbs in total. I allow myself a cheat on weigh in day, so I’ve had 3 hot cross buns. We are now about to have a Domino’s Pizza, although right now I feel a bit sick.
Hailey, my wife went out to Asda today to do not only our shopping, but my Mum and stepdad’s shopping too. Apparantly there was queue outside but it went down quite quickly and everyone was keeping their distance. There was plenty on the shelves and she got enough supplies for a week, still no bog roll though. We’ve probably still got enough loo roll to last another week.
Tonight the new series of Friday Night Dinner starts, so Hailey and I have started watching the old series again. We watched all of Series 1 and 2 episodes of series 2. It’s a great TV series.
Will be back tomorrow with more banal rubbish.
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